TurboSIM iPhone unlock - confirmed working
Two iPhone users have reported that their TurboSIMs have been successfully used to unlock their iPhones. Both have warned that the device is quite fragile and can be destroyed if forced into a SIM slot, so be careful.
Ozbimmer, another member of the Hackint0sh forums posted to confirm that his Turbo SIM works as expected. Zf_ was also kind enough to provide a quick guide:
- First, your phone must be activated (with the AT&T SIM), jailbreaked, and with SSH and vim. Refer to previous tutorials to do that.
- Download the port of Bladox utilities on your computer, extract it on your computer (you need the binary file turbo-app)
- Download AppleSaft 0.92 from Bladox (see the link on their forum, don’t remember it), extract it on your computer (you need the .trb file)
- Turn on your phone with Turbo SIM + AT&T subscription
- Disable CommCenter - ssh to your phone, vim
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist add:
@ - If you don’t like vim, you can do this modification on your desktop computer (iPhuc/iPhoneInterface getfile, modify the file, and putfile)
- Reboot
- Copy turbo-app to your phone (for example in /opt/bladox)
- Copy applesaft.trb to your phone (for example in /tmp)
- ssh to your phone, set the executable permission to turbo-app (chmod a+x /opt/bladox/turbo-app) and run it with /opt/bladox/turbo-app /tmp/applesaft.trb. It should take approximately 30 seconds and you shouldn’t see any error. Please panic if you see one.
- Reenable CommCenter - ssh to your phone, vim /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist and delete the lines you added previously
- Reboot
- Go into Settings/Phone/SIM Applications/Apple Saft and choose Set
- Turn off your phone
- Turn on your phone with Turbo SIM + your subscription and test.