You can use your iPhone’s Voicemail button to call your local carriers voicemail number by doing the following:

  • Disable your SIM PIN, if enabled.
  • SSH into your iPhone - I’m going to assume your iPhone has been jailbroken, has SSH installed and the latest BSD Subsystem installed.
  • The latest BSD Subsystem (1.5) comes with minicom, but you’ll need to generate a configuration file for it to interact with the baseband. You’ll need to create /local/etc/ in /usr/.
  • In /usr/local/etc/, run nano minirc.dfl and paste pu port /dev/tty.baseband
  • Save the file, CTRL-O, exit nano CTRL-X
  • Disable the commcenter - launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • Run@ minicom@
  • Run@ AT+CSVM=1,“171” `where 171 is your carriers voicemail number
    • Exit minicom - CTRL-a, then `q@
  • Restart the commcenter - launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • Done!