I recently got access to a couple of Home Assistant Voice Previews, and wanted a way to quickly add items to my shopping list using voice commands. The built-in intents for adding todo list items are kind of wordy, and I liked how Alexa had a simple “Alexa add foo” shortcut to add items to a default shopping list.

After some tinkering, I came up with a simple setup that uses Home Assistant’s conversation integration, intent_script, and a few custom sentences to streamline the process.

The Configuration

The core of the setup relies on Home Assistant’s intent scripts. Here is one to handle a new ShoppingListAddItem intent, and associated action to trigger from an intent:

# configuration.yaml
  intents: {}

      action: todo.add_item
        entity_id: todo.shopping_list
        item: "{{ shop_item }}"
      text: "{{ shop_item }} added to your shopping list."

This defines an action to add the spoken item (e.g., “milk”) to the todo.shopping_list entity and responds with a confirmation.

Custom Sentences

To make the voice command intuitive, I defined custom sentences in a separate file (shopping_list.yaml):

# custom_sentences/en/shopping_list.yaml

language: "en"
      - sentences:
          - "Add {shop_item}"
    wildcard: true

This setup captures any item spoken after “Add” and maps it to the shop_item variable, which is then passed to the ShoppingListAddItem intent script, adding the item via a service call / action.

How It Works

  1. You Say: “Add milk”
  2. Home Assistant Matches: Home Assistant matches your spoken sentence to the ShoppingListAddItem intent using the custom sentence.
  3. Intent Script Runs: The intent script processes the shop_item variable, adds the item to the shopping list, and confirms with a spoken response.

This largely mirrors the simplicity of Alexa’s “Add foo” command but keeps everything local.